Health Benefits of CucumbersHealth Benefits of Cucumbers

Most of us only eat cucumbers occasionally, when they sneak their way into wraps or salads. But there’s more to cucumbers than meets the eye. Made almost entirely out of water (roughly 95%), they are refreshing and hydrating. Keep reading for a slew of health benefits of cucumbers that you probably had no idea about.

1. Prevents cancer

Cucumber has potent anti-inflammatory abilities and one of its most powerful powers is preventing cancer. Just like pomegranates that prevent breast cancer, cucumbers too are great allies against free radicals. The polyphenols found in cucumbers are known as lignans: secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol and lariciresinol can decrease the risk of developing prostate and ovarian cancers. Additionally, the cucurbitacins found in cucumbers have the ability to inhibit cancer cell development and keep the body protected.

2. Dental health

Health Benefits of Cucumbers

They don’t say “cool as a cucumber” for nothing. Cucumbers comprise phytochemicals that have the ability to neutralize the bacteria that causes bad breath. The trick is super simple. All you have to do is press a slice of cucumber into the roof of your mouth for thirty seconds. This will prompt the release of phytochemicals, which, in their turn will kill the bad bacteria. Additionally, cucumber boosts salivation and neutralizes acids and alkali. Cucumber juice is not without dental benefits either. It can efficiently help treat gum diseases such as weak gums or pyorrhea.

3. Digestion and weight loss

If you’re looking for a less expensive alternative for the hydrating benefits of coconut water, you might want to consider cucumber juice. Health benefits of cucumbers include helping with digestion and water retention problems. This fresh vegetable can alleviate heartburn, acidity or ulcer. All these are owed to the enzyme Erepsin that plays a major role in digesting protein. The high content of water also makes it ideal for weight loss diets and freeing the body from toxins. Not only will daily consumption of cucumbers help you stop retaining excess water, it can also be an efficient remedy for constipation.

4. Reduces inflammation

Known for its high anti-inflammatory abilities, cucumbers are able to inhibit unwanted inflammation in the body. This is owed to the cyclo-oxygenase 2, which is an anti-inflammatory enzyme. The powerful flavonoids found in cucumbers (luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin) can help keep rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and osteoarthritis at bay.

5. Antioxidant properties

Rich in antioxidants, cucumbers are packed with beta-carotene and vitamin C. They also contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidants that are loaded with benefits. Quecetin, one of the antioxidants, stops histamine release, transforming cucumbers in a natural antihistamine. Kaempferol, another antioxidant, can help decrease the risk of developing various types of chronic conditions, such as heart diseases.

6. Lowers blood pressure

Cucumbers do a great job at controlling blood pressure thanks to its high doses of fiber, potassium and magnesium. Sterols, a unique compound found in cucumber, can regulate cholesterol levels. Much like garlic that lowers blood triglycerides, cucumber uses potassium to help the body function properly and support a healthy heart by decreasing the effects of sodium.

7. Rejuvenates skin

Well known among DIY face mask enthusiasts, cucumber is excellent for revitalizing the skin. The unique ingredients in cucumbers are soothing and anti-inflammatory, making cucumber slices perfect for combating the skin’s dull look and leaving it looking glowing and youthful. Cucumber facials are incredibly easy. Cold thin slices can be applied directly on the skin and left to work their magic for ten to fifteen minutes.

8. Cures hangover

Alcohol does not only leave you with a hangover and a splitting headache, it also leaves your body extremely dehydrated. In addition to drinking plenty of fluid, you should also munch on cucumbers. One of the less known health benefits of cucumbers, they are excellent at rehydrating the body and eliminating the toxins caused by the large intake of alcohol. Don’t wait until the second day to consume cucumber. A few slices before heading to bed will help reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the hangover.

9. Healthy kidneys

The high concentration of water found in cucumbers makes them the perfect candidates to fight off kidney stones and keep kidney infections at bay. Regular consumption of cucumbers helps flush out toxins and can even remove kidney stones in time. If you’re dealing with urinary tract infections, you can further help your kidneys by drinking detoxifying kombucha.

10. Strong bones

Vitamin K is paramount for protecting the heart, regulating the insulin levels and maintaining strong, healthy bones. Cucumbers are rich in Vitamin K, which makes them a super food that promotes orthotropic activity. Eating more cucumbers is bound to help you keep a healthy bone mass, as well as promote joint strength. The high levels of silica supports good joint functioning and strengthens the connective tissue. The selling point that makes cucumbers a favorite among vegans is that it is rich in calcium and controls the hormone release within the body.

11. Helps fight diabetes

The efficient combination of fiber, potassium and magnesium enables cucumbers to do an excellent job at reducing cholesterol and keeping insulin levels in check. A certain hormone found in cucumber juice aids the pancreas produce the much needed insulin for diabetic patients. All these properties make cucumbers an excellent adjuvant for regulating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Not only cucumbers but also coffee lowers the risk of developing diabetes.

12. Combats puffy eyes

There is no escaping bags under the eyes or puffy eyelids.  Whether we’re talking about pulling all-nighters or a daily issue, puffy eyes can easily be assuaged with two cool slices of cucumber. But what’s the explanation behind this magic trick? The caffeic acid paired with the ascorbic acid make a great team at bringing down water retention. The cold slices diminish the puffiness and the swelling, leaving the areas feeling refreshed. At the same time, cucumber slices can help fade dark circles due to the silica and antioxidants found in its juice.

There are sundry benefits to consuming cucumbers or cucumber juice on a daily basis. However, this vegetable doesn’t come without side effects. Cucumbers are known to cause allergies, which may include swelling or itchiness, generally around the mouth. A simple fix for this is cooking cucumbers prior to eating them. Cucumbers can also cause gastritis, or worsen the condition. Patients who experience indigestion issues after consumption should steer away from eating raw cucumbers. Despite all the health benefits of cucumbers involving skin brightening and rejuvenation, these vegetables can also go the other way. Excess consume can lead to baldness or toxicity.

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