Radish Health BenefitsRadish Health Benefits

Radishes are rad, really! We often tend to ignore radishes when getting our veggies together for the perfect salad. It’s sort of hard to understand, as they are super crisp and a colorful addition to your healthy bowl of greens. Even more so, they are packed with more super powers than you could ever imagine, from helping you lose weight, to reducing the risk of heart disease and even preventing cancer! Claiming that radishes are simply a super food is quite an understatement; they really do deserve a rewarding category of their own. Are you in doubt? Don’t worry, the Home Remedy Shop team has put together a list of 12 radish health benefits that you really should consider. Discover all of the miracles that red, black, purple or yellow radishes can help out with below and let us know how well they worked for you!

1. Treat & prevent coughs & colds

Almost nothing can be more annoying and agonizing than a severe cough or cold. Including radishes in your diet not only builds up your immunity system so you won’t be prone to colds, but also helps you treat coughs in a healthy way. The anti-congestive properties presented by radishes help your body naturally eliminate the mucus that forms inside your throat while suffering from a cold. Eat up and get well soon!

2. Treat Leucoderma

Leocoderma is commonly associated with a loss of pigmentation as a result of skin burns, postdermabrasion or other conditions. While not infectious, leocoderma can turn into an unaesthetic feature for anybody, so why not treat it organically with radishes? Powder and soak daikon radish seeds in vinegar, rub the liquid on the patches of white skin and benefit from the anti-carcinogenic properties that radishes offer! Don’t forget to add radishes to your diet for effective results in the long run.

3. Heal insect bites

Have you just been bitten by an insect? Ouch, let’s get that solved for you! Grab some radish juice and rub it on the bitten area so you won’t feel that much pain and your skin won’t swell up that bad. Radish juice has also proven to soothe insect bites and speed up the healing process. This is all thanks to the anti-pruritic properties that radishes contain, so use them for bee stings or various insect bites.

4. Cool off

Those scorching hot summer days are oh so near, aren’t they? Besides drinking plenty of water, we have another great tip to help you cool off. You guessed it, radishes! These veggies also have a natural ability to cool you off in an amazing way. In Eastern areas, medicine based on radishes is used to lower the extra amount of heat in the human body that always tends to rise during the hot season.

5. Hydrate your skin

At this rate, it seems like radishes can be useful for almost anything! If you’re suffering from dry skin and its side effects, enjoy the disinfectant and moisturizing properties of radishes and solve your problems at home. You can also make your very own cleanser by smashing radishes and applying them to your face, so make sure you keep your skin well-hydrated at all times and pick up some radishes from the market on your way home today.

6. Battle constipation

Oh, boy… constipation is really a pain in the rear, literally! You should know that the high levels of fiber in radishes help clean up your colon and ultimately relieve your constipation problems. Even more so, radishes are an awesome side kick for your digestive system, as they aid in secreting bile and other juices. Enjoy radishes regularly and say good bye to constipation!

7. Control your blood pressure

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure can prove to be quite difficult for people suffering from this condition. As many of you already know, studies have shown that potassium can help lower blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and allowing a better blood flow. Among many other radish health benefits are the high levels of potassium included in these bright veggies, so control your blood pressure by including them in your regular diet.

8. Lose weight

Yes, you heard us right. As far as radish health benefits go, losing weight is definitely on the list. You should know that radishes actually help you feel full by satisfying your need for any extra food you might be consuming. Their high water content and small amount of carbohydrates are exceptional for shedding pounds. Like we said before, they are also rich in fiber, which is perfect if you want to lose weight and pump up your metabolism.

9. Have healthy kidneys

We all know that kidney problems can become more than unpleasant. That’s why the disinfecting, diuretic and cleansing properties of radishes can help you protect your kidneys from various disorders. These radish health benefits aid your kidneys in eliminating toxins and preventing kidney disease naturally.

10. Treat urinary disorders

The diuretic properties of radishes don’t help just your kidneys. This also means that they promote urine production while soothing the uncomfortable sensation of burning while urinating. Additionally, radishes help treat numerous urinary conditions by healing inflammation and clearing the kidneys of toxins. Enjoy going to the restroom pain-free owing to these radish health benefits.

11. Lower the risk of cancer

It seems pretty amazing that a simple vegetable can help you avoid cancer, doesn’t it? Radishes can help treat quite a few kinds of cancer, like stomach, kidney, oral, intestinal or colon cancer. This is due to their high levels of vitamin C, isthiocyanates and anthocyanins, as well as their detoxifying and antioxidant properties. Radishes actually have the power to prevent cancerous cells from multiplying, so consider this super food if you find yourself or a loved one in this situation.

12. Be forever young!

Even though you can’t live forever, you can still help your skin in looking healthy, youthful and all-around lovely. As radishes are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C, you can consume them regularly for a beautiful complexion. Remember the cleansing mask we were talking about above? Don’t forget to use it for maintaining healthy skin!


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