Health Benefits of Apple Cider VinegarHealth Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Battling diabetes? Looking to lose weight? Want to reduce blood pressure? Have no fear, ACV is here and ready for rescue! What is ACV, you ask? Well the amazing, awesome and astounding Apple Cider Vinegar, of course! This incredible substance easily reigns over the majority of super foods thanks to its almost magical healing properties and outnumbered health benefits. Its health properties were discovered centuries ago and since then people all across the world are benefitting from them. Honestly, humanity has truly been blessed by Mother Nature through this wonderful side kick for conquering all sorts of diseases and conditions. You will be astonished to find out all of the qualities that apple cider vinegar presents, from curing stomach problems and relieving acid reflux or heartburn, to protecting your ticker, overcoming arthritis and even potentially preventing cancer. You should consume your apple cider vinegar organic, raw and unfiltered (like the variety that Bragg or Heinz offer) and make sure you are not drinking it undiluted (as it could harm your teeth). Get ready to discover 7 health benefits of apple cider vinegar in the list below and start making positive changes in your diet for your health!

1. Cleanse Your Skin

Did you know that one of the coolest health benefits of apple cider vinegar is that you can clear up blemishes? This bottle of wonders that is probably already in your pantry can actually be used as an astringent for clearing up your face. All you have to do is take a piece of cotton and soak it in some apple cider vinegar (make sure it’s diluted) and apply it directly to the skin on your face affected with blemishes. Even more so, some cases have proven that apple cider vinegar can even lower the presence of wrinkles on your face, as well as heal your skin after being burned by the sun.

2. Lose Weight

Do you want to shed a few extra pounds so you can look great on the beach this summer? Apple cider vinegar might be exactly what you need. According to research, the acetic acid in ACV can subdue the build-up of liver lipids and that nasty body fat you want to get rid of. Individuals claim that if you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink before eating a meal you will feel less hungry. Although you probably won’t be losing a lot of weight just by consuming apple cider vinegar, you should know that this substance in its unfiltered form will definitely help out. If you’re not sure which brand to purchase, you can easily go for Braggs.

3. Battle Diabetes

One of the most revolutionary health benefits of apple cider vinegar is its power to help you battle diabetes. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can truly help you get your blood sugar levels under control, meaning that it has amazing anti-glycemic properties. By consuming ACV you can avoid jumping off the scale with blood sugar levels, as it aids in slowing down the digestion process regarding carbs. Even though studies are still being carried out to prove this claim, many specialists across the United States agree that apple cider vinegar can have positive effects for diabetes patients. Make sure that you do not stop taking any pills or treatment without consulting your doctor first.

4. Take Care of Your Heart

In modern times, heart disease has proven to be one of the most common causes of death all over the globe. More and more individuals worldwide are suffering from strokes and heart diseases, many of them with fatal outcomes. The good news is that a few studies prove the ability to your protect your heart as being one of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. A study conducted by Harvard University shows that the risk of developing heart disease was visibly lowered for women who consumed their salads with dressings that contain apple cider vinegar. Furthermore, researchers believe that ACV might include chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles.

5. Build Up Your Immune System

Recent research points out that apple cider vinegar actually has the power to strengthen your immune system. Specialists agree that apple cider vinegar can also aid your lymphatic system, which might ultimately lead to sinus congestion relief or the alleviation of allergies. Moreover, it presents anti-viral properties that will help you steer clear from infections and unpleasant colds. Of course, this is if you consume apple cider vinegar every day, diluted in water. If just the water and ACV are too hard or sour to swallow, you can add a little bit of honey to make it sweeter and easier to drink.

6. Balance your pH Levels

Another claimed benefit of apple cider vinegar is the ability for balancing out your pH levels. This not only does wonders for your immune system, like we mentioned above, but it can also upgrade your metabolism and allow your skin to look and feel younger and clearer. It also helps with the pH of hair, making it look smoother, silkier and all-around lovelier. You can even try adding a little bit of apple cider vinegar to your bath tub; while you soak and relax you will be treating your skin and hair to an extra special and 100% natural treatment.

7. Ease Digestion

Can you believe that apple cider vinegar can actually help you with diarrhea and constipation? If you dilute some raw apple cider vinegar with water you can fight off bacteria that are causing your stomach pains, owing to the anti-biotic properties it comes packed with. ACV also contains something called apple pectin fiber, which can help you avoid bloating, gas and cramps by relieving the gastrointestinal tract. Like we said before, apple cider vinegar can be used to cure constipation, as it acts as a decent and natural laxative. Drink up and say good-bye to your problems for good!


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