6 Exercises To Get Rid Of A Muffin Top6 Exercises To Get Rid Of A Muffin Top

Do you have a muffin top that you would like to get rid of?   Do not ever think that you are stuck in your body if you are not confident in the skin you are in.  It is your decision to change a habit or your lifestyle, no one else can do that for you.  It is easier said than done, but let’s make it our new year’s resolution if you’re driven and motivated.  I will show you six different exercises that you can do to get rid of your muffin top.  Are you ready?

1. Interval Training

Interval training is perfect for losing weight because it causes your heart rate to increase, then allows your heart rate to go back down.  This specific interval training can be paired with any cardio exercise you like–such as jogging, biking, or walking.  Start off with a 5 minute walk at a low-to-moderate intensity, in order to give your body time to warm up and your blood flowing.  Pick up the pace for a minute, not a full out sprint or your highest speed, but pretty close.  Intensity isn’t only increased by speed but can be increased by increasing the incline, the resistance, or using a more difficult cardio machine like the stair stepper.  Recover for a minute or two at an easier pace.  Repeat those hard and easy intervals for around 20 minutes.  If your body is telling you this is a little easy, bump up the intensity!  Cool down at an easier pace for 5 minutes to finish your workout.

2. Dumbbell Squat to Shoulder-Press Rotation

With dumbbells at your side, bend into a squat, pushing your hips backward as if you were sitting in a chair, with your knees not passing your toes. Keep your back straight, and your abs tight and engaged.  As you raise your hips to come to stand, press the dumbbells over your head, rotating the torso toward the right, using the side of your abdominals. This should be one fluid movement and should be able to feel it work different muscles in your body.  Lower the dumbbells and bend into a squat again. Repeat the shoulder press to the left side. Alternate sides for 12 total reps.

3.  Towel Leg-Ins

photo of how to get rid of muffin top

This exercise works best on a smooth surface, basically anything but carpet.  Start in a high plank position with your palms on the ground directly underneath your shoulders, arms straight, core engaged, back straight, with a small towel under the toes of each foot.  Use your abdominals to bring your knees into your chest. You should be in a crouch position with your knees between your elbows.  Hold for 1 count and push from your abdominals to slide the towels under your feet back to starting plank position.  Do 12 reps.

4.  One-Arm Rollout

photo of how to get rid of muffin top

This exercise works your deep abdominal muscles and conditions you to keep your abs tucked in.  Start in a high plank position with your arms straight and your core engaged, with a small towel under each hand. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears, and your back straight.   With your hands on the towels, keeping both of your arms straight, slide one arm forward as far as you can without moving your hips or torso.  Hold it for a second, then bring your arm back to starting position.  Repeat with the other arm.  Alternate your arms for 12 total reps.

5.  Towel Mountain Climbers

photo of how to get rid of muffin top

Start in a high plank position with your palms on the ground underneath your shoulders, core engaged, straight arms, with a small towel under the toes of each foot.  Using your abdominals, bring your left knee in toward your right elbow which should be controlled and a fluid movement.  You should be able to feel the twist in your lower abs, not as much in your back or hips. Keep your shoulders squared and your back straight, in the proper form.  Return to the starting position, with both feet behind you and your hips aligned.  Repeat these steps by bringing the right knee to the left elbow.  Alternate sides for 12 total reps.

6.  Lunge to Overhead Press

photo of how to get rid of muffin top

This exercise may not look like it is doing a lot for your core, but your abdominals will actually be working overtime, in order to stabilize your body, especially when you are pressing the dumbbells over your head.  Hold the dumbbells right at your shoulders.  Start in a lunging position, with your right knee bent at a 90 degree angle in front of you, making sure that your knee does not go over your toes.  Also, have the left knee slightly bent behind you.  Keep your body in alignment, keeping your head right above your spine.  As you straighten both legs to come to standing position, engage the abdominal muscles and keep them tight while you press the dumbbells up over your head.  Then, bend the knees to come back to the lunge and lower the weights to shoulder level in a controlled manner.  Do 6 reps, then switch legs.  To increase the intensity of this workout, try to lunges while walking.

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