What is obesity?What is obesity?

irst let’s know, what’s obesity, after that we’ll see the best foods to eat to lose weight. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat gets accumulated in the various parts of the body. It has different adverse effects on human health, which results in many health problems and thus results in the reduction in the life span. The diseases that are initiated by obesity are heart problems, diabetes, insomnia, cancer, some kinds of skin disease, arthritis, mental illness and disorders in endocrine systems. Obesity is hence considered as a kind of disease by the medical association of America.

What are the causes of obesity?

  1. Obesity can be caused due to genetically.
  2. It can also be caused due to intake of excess food energy.
  3. Too much intake of steroidal medicine can also result in obesity.
  4. Obesity can also occur due to lack of exercises and other physical activities.

Best food to eat for losing weight:

The 9 best foods to eat to lose weight are mentioned below:

  1. Cucumbers- These are packed with water and low in calories. It helps improve body fluids as well as remove excess fats.
  2. Oats- Oats are a good choice for breakfast and high in fiber. Oats provide you energy to jump-start your day, its content which is rich in fiber helps you feel full longer thus avoiding overeating later thus help you lose weight.
  3. Apples- These are best for its antioxidants properties and are abundant in fiber. An apple a day, keeps fats away.
  4. Blueberries- Berries are great antioxidants for the body. Moreover, the fiber in this fruit make you feel full for longer period.
  5. Eggs- Eggs are great protein stuff which is combined with essential minerals and vitamins and calories to provide you energy for the day.
  6. Lentils- Lentils are superb belly flattening food that help to regulate insulin sensitivity thus prevent excess fat especially on the abdomen.
  7. Almonds- Nuts are having good fats and lower calories and are packed with proteins. Almonds are one of the best kinds of nuts that contain healthy fats, which help you to lose weight. These nuts also help in preventing other diseases like cancer and diabetes.
  8. Dark chocolate- With high cocoa content dark chocolates are packed with antioxidants and help you lose weight. Cocoa content is rich in fiber and helps you feel full longer and also prevents the absorption of fats.
  9. 9.      Green tea- This tea is full with antioxidants, which helps in increasing metabolism of the body, and hence burning more calories resulting in weight loss.

Other secrets to lose weight:

Besides eating the best foods to lose weight there are some other secrets that can be followed to lose weight. They’re as follows:

  • Exercise regularly: You can do any of the physical activities like running, swimming, jogging etc. Strenuous physical activities help in sweat release thus burning the calorie in the body.
  • Start eating a calorie shifting diet: You should now try to eat in a calorie shifting pattern. This works by eating thoroughly different types of calories in every 4 meal at different times daily. This results your brain to trigger to produce more fat burning hormones.

Information about obesity

First let’s know, what’s obesity, after that we’ll see what foods help you lose weight. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat gets accumulated in different parts of the body. Obesity has different adverse effects on human health. This results in many health problems and thus reduction in life span. The diseases that are initiated by obesity are heart problems, insomnia, diabetes, certain kind of cancer, skin disease, disorders in endocrine systems, arthritis and mental illness. Obesity is considered as a kind of disease by the medical association of America.

What are the causes of obesity?

  1. Obesity can be from genetically.
  2. Intake of excess food energy.
  3. Too much intake of steroidal medicine.
  4. Lack of exercises and physical activities.

Foods that help you to lose weight and obesity:

You must be wondering that what foods help you lose weight, fight against obesity and that too without doing much of exercise. There are varieties of foods available worldwide that are used for burning excess body calories and fats. The different foods for weight loss are as follows:

  1. Almonds: Almonds contain Vitamin E and Protein high with fiber contents. Almonds intake stops us feeling hungry.
  2. Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach results in the loss of weight. These are extremely low in calories. They consist of several vitamins and minerals, rich fibers which help in body water retention.
  3. Oats: Oats are used for lowering of body cholesterol. Oats can be taken regularly in the morning for breakfast as it is a low calorie diet. This results in the slow release of natural energy which keeps us feeling fuller throughout the day.
  4. Olive oil: Olive oil consists of oleic acid which is a naturally occurring chemical and helps in the breakdown of the excess fat in our body.
  5. Beans: Beans contain protein and fiber. Bean is basically releases slow energy. This food can also be taken for the proper weight loss of the body.
  6. Green Tea: Green tea is basically used for flushing out the excess fluids from the body as well as the water retention. Regular intake of green tea helps in burning the excess fat in our body as it speeds the metabolism.

Hence whenever anyone is facing the problem of obesity, and is wondering about what foods help to lose weight, then you can suggest him some or all of the above mentioned food in his diet.

Other secrets to lose weight:

Besides following a proper diet, and eating foods low in calorie and fat and that helps to reduce the calorie in our body there are some other secrets which you can follow to lose weight. They’re as follows:

  • Exercise regularly: You can do any of the physical activities like running, swimming, jogging etc. Strenuous physical activities help in sweat release thus burning the calorie in the body.
  • Start eating a calorie shifting diet: You should now try to eat in a calorie shifting pattern. This works by eating thoroughly different types of calories in every 4 meal at different times daily. This results your brain to trigger to produce more fat burning hormones.

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